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Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Working for a Living: Women in the Arts III

Today's Woman in the Arts is Master Dancer, Saqra of Kent, Washington.

Voted "Best Kept Secret of 2005" and "Instructor of the Year 2008" by Zaghareet Magazine, Saqra has over thirty years of experience as a teacher, choreographer, and festival producer. The depth and breadth of her knowledge on Middle Easter dance history and folklore is unmatched.

1.    What is the name of your business and what do you tell other people you do? (such as author, teacher, designer)

Saqra -- Bellydance Performer & Instructor
2.    When did you know it was time to stop treating your art as a hobby and start it as a career?
I treated it like a career from the beginning, but I found it necessary to run two full-time businesses at the same time to be able to afford to do it.
3. What are some of the aspects of your job that people don’t see? For example, most people don’t understand how much marketing is done by the authors themselves instead of a publisher, and most audience members don’t see how costumes and props are designed/chosen.
The constant networking, glad handing, playing nice, and doing your best to be friendly to absolutely everyone no matter your mood or beliefs ... people definitely don't see that. They can guess at the practice... creating performances from costuming to execution... junk like accounting, but they never realize how important it is to network.

A decent dancer with a great network will stomp the heck out of a magnificent dancer without one, career-wise.

4. Who inspired/inspires you on those inevitable rough days?
Jim Beam. Totally KIDDING!

I really just dig deep.... I know I made this bed so I better get my butt out of it and do something. I CHOSE this. But my family was in business and I've been around small businesses all my life. You can waste a little bit of time whining, but then you have to go do something about what you are complaining about.

It would be nice to have someone to look up to and be inspired, but most of the people I know have eventually given up. My stubbornness makes me get up and look at what other are doing and try and out-think them.
  This question is a chance to meander or talk in greater depth if you’d like. Here you can talk about what hobbies you pursue, how you refresh your well of ideas, what you would recommend to other women interested in a career in the arts, or just anything you'd like other people to know.
If you want a career in the arts you better be ready to not be constantly praised, appreciated, considered the best, or wealthy. You better be ready to be criticized because the value of the arts are subjective. And around the corner is someone with a chip on their shoulder and the belief that only their way is the right one.

A career in the arts is not a place for sissies... or for people who are just feeling compelled to express themselves. A career is a BUSINESS.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Working for a living: Women in the Arts, II

Today's guest is Grace Constantine, dancer, author, landscape architect, and all around amazing person. Please welcome Grace!

1.What is the name of your business and what do you tell other people you do? 
(such as author, teacher, designer)

I'm Grace Constantine, belly dance performer and teacher, and director of 
theatrical fusion troupe Deviant Dance Company.

2.When did you know it was time to stop treating your art as a hobby and start 
it as a career?

I have no idea, I just woke up one day and I was a belly dancer! For me there 
has not been much of a difference between hobby and career. Dance has always 
been more than a hobby to me, it has been a deeply important part of my spirit 
since I was a child, and even as a hobbyist I approached my projects with a 
professional level of care. Early on, I made the conscious decision not to 
pursue a living with this artform. I did not want my creative process to be 
affected by the need to support myself on a daily basis--essentially, I wanted 
my life in dance to be pure joy, to remain unsullied by monetary concern. 
However, my interest and passion has only grown as years have gone by; 
eventually I spent so much time and energy that I suppose a career became 
inevitable, and so here I am.

3.What are some of the aspects of your job that people don’t see? For example, 
most people don’t understand how much marketing is done by the authors 
themselves instead of a publisher, and most audience members don’t see how 
costumes and props are designed/chosen.

Probably most folks have no understanding of how much time in the weeks or 
months before an event goes into working out logistics with event promoters, 
venues, musicians, lighting, staging, etc. to make sure that everything comes 
together for the audience. I spend a good deal of time every day communicating 
about these things. Every event is unique, and many have very different needs. I 
often work with live musicians, and this adds another needed element of 
communication. Many events have a theme, or a specific audience that requires a 
certain type of performance. Behind-the-scenes concerns also include marketing, 
rehearsal scheduling and arrangements, travel plans for out-of-town events, and 
negotiating contracts. This is all before I get to create lesson plans and 
workshop content; train in the studio; teach classes; and finally design 
performances. Phew!

4.Who inspired/inspires you on those inevitable rough days?

My brilliant students: every time they encounter something new and pick it up as 
if they've always known it, it inspires and re-ignites me! My endlessly talented 
troupemates: they always say 'yes' to my crazy schemes, and then build on them! 
My darling husband: he is always ready with a hug, and makes sure that I eat 
good food, even when I am obsessed with a project!

5.Name a few of your current projects. For example, conferences, publicity, 
design process, what you have for sale.

This month I taught and performed at Columbia University's Middle Eastern Dance Conference--talk about inspiring! My troupe Deviant Dance Company recently added a new member, and we are creating a new piece called 'Song of the Tentacle' to be released in February. Also in February I will be sharing the stage with the Bellydance Superstars when they come to Seattle. I am writing a regular column on the creative process for the new belly dance magazine 'From the Hip', and I am enjoying writing very much. As always, I am teaching a full complement of one-on-one lessons, and planning workshops for the new year.

6. (OPTIONAL)This question is a chance to meander or talk in greater depth if 
you’d like. Here you can talk about what hobbies you pursue, how you refresh 
your well of ideas, what you would recommend to other women interested in a 
career in the arts, or just anything you'd like other people to know.

Advice to women interested in a career in the arts: don't do what everybody else 
is doing. Play! Experiment to find out what you are good at and what you enjoy, 
and explore those things deeply. This is how you will find your strength.

Grace Constantine 

--Latest performance video--Grace at Salon L'Orient 2012: 

--Grace is a staff writer for the brand new 'From the Hip' Magazine! 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Working for a living: Women in the Arts.

Last month, several of my Muses and inspirations kindly agreed to be interviewed. These women have made names for themselves in their chosen field, as well as actually making a career out of their creations.

Please welcome my first interviewee, Kim Sakkara!

1.       What is the name of your business and what do you tell other people you do? (such as author, teacher, designer)

My name is Kim Sakkara and I am an apparel designer. I’m the owner of Sakkara Clothing & Costume, LLC.


2.       When did you know it was time to stop treating your art as a hobby and start it as a career?

I’d always considered the idea but wasn’t quite ready to make that leap. I was still in my 20’s and so my main concern was being free to go wherever my creativity took me. I was doing a lot of custom sewing and alterations back then, which I enjoyed. When the economy took that nosedive in 2008, I took a big break and went back to school. Many months later, I woke up one day and really, really missed having that creative outlet. I realized that it was the strongest source of my passion and that I would feel unfilled working for another company.

3.       What are some of the aspects of your job that people don’t see? For example, most people don’t understand how much marketing is done by the authors themselves instead of a publisher, and most audience members don’t see how costumes and props are designed/chosen.

We are part of a very rich and plentiful society that has become accustomed to paying dirt cheap prices for mass produced goods. A lot of people are unaware of the incredible amount of time and labor that goes into creating a single garment for the marketplace, or why Made in the USA goods are more expensive than goods from overseas. They question why that higher cost is on the price tag.

Then there’s the amount of time one spends feeding the social media outlets. But I suppose that is true for all artists and businesses. :)

4.       Who inspired/inspires you on those inevitable rough days?

Sometimes a good album goes a long way. I’ve got my iPod filled with artists like Goldfrapp, Front 242, Massive Attack, Metric, Hossam Ramzy and Natacha Atlas. You know, so I can pretend I live and create in a sexy, futuristic Goth-y belly dance club. :D

5.       Name a few of your current projects. For example, conferences, publicity, design process, what you have for sale.

I’m excited to be working on the next collection, some of which will be available for Spring/Summer 2013, and some of which will be geared for Fall 2013. I’m also looking forward to festival season starting. The Reigning Down on Oregon event in February is the first for 2013. It’s going to be a ton of fun.

Your author proudly wearing her Kim Sakkara custom skirt and gauntlets!2006 Copyright/velvet skirt & gauntlets: Kim Sakkara.  Photo: Lenny Gotter. Model: Linda

Kim Sakkara can be found on Twitter as well as her blog and shop.

Friday, March 9, 2012

John Frame

So I went to the Mark Rothko exhibit expecting to be overwhelmed and moved to tears. But for some reason, I wasn't feeling the magnificence I had before when I'd seen his work.

That's ok, though. I'm allowed my moods and you can't force emotional catharsis. So it was with great surprise when I wandered eerie yet excellent music into a mysterious area of the Portland Art Museum. and found a dark wonderland.

John Frame creates sculptures out of wood, glass eyes, found objects, and clockworks to tell a non-linear story he has titled Three Fragments of a Lost Tale. 

Included in the exhibit is the stop action movie he created with his articulated figures.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

When you are a writer, you never stop working.

Even though I've turned in my manuscript and I'm ostensibly taking this week off, I'm still working. I've started brainstorming on Book Three, for example. Most of all, I'm feeding my head.

Ok, I'll admit it, the manicure/pedicure and eyebrow wax today had nothing to do with work, but what I did after was very important.

I went to the Mark Rothko exhibit at the Portland Art Museum.
I'm a huge fan of Rothko's later works - his well known paintings of enormous blocks of luminous colors. So it was a treat to see his earlier works and to explore his fascination with myth, archetypes, and darker colors. 

If you'd like to know more about Mark Rothko, go on over to his page on, right here.

Tomorrow, I'm going to talk about the other exhibit I saw - the completely unexpected dark whimsy of John Frame.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Things I love.

I love the Mona Lisa. The mystical background, her soft skin, and her long neck have always brought me a sense of wonder.

It's one of those pieces of 'great' art that actually do live up to their hype.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where the hell have you been? Part Two

The international news has been so very horrifying lately that I've had to turn inward. I had to find the place inside of me that knows that nothing lasts forever. Out of terror and fear, beauty and hope will always rise again.

I keep a picture of Winged Victory (Nike of Samothrace) by my desk as reminder.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Story Basics Part IV: The Mentor Archetype

The name Mentor comes from a character in the Odyssey. Telemachus, Odysseus' son, goes on a quest to find his father. The goddess Athena takes the guise of Mentor (a human male) to give Telemachus advice, training, aid, or necessary gifts to finish the search.

The Mentor is a very rich archetype. Joseph Campbell named this role as The Wise Old Man or Woman. The Mentor's job is to represent our highest selves, the part of the heroine who is wise and far seeing.  A mentor decides if the heroine has earned gifts to help her, or can act as her conscience. The Mentor motivates and initiates the heroine, too.

Mentors can be kindly  parental figures or they can be dangerous, teaching the Heroine through hard knocks. A Dark Mentor is one who starts a character on a tragic arc, leading her into danger or destruction. Fallen Mentors have lost their own way, and part of the Hero's story is to make the Mentor pull herself together. There are often multiple Mentors in a story, as well.

After all, James Bond not only has M, he has Moneypenny and Q to help teach him what he needs. Arthur has Merlin, but also his brother Kaye, his father, and even his half-sister to teach him lessons.

Mentors can be funny, mystical, young, old, or even part of the Heroine's inner landscape as a memory or code of honor. They can show up in the beginning, middle, or end of the story. Don't get stuck thinking your Mentor has to be Obi Wan with a beard and a nifty sword. Anyone and anything can teach your Heroine what she needs to know.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Story Basics Part IV: Archetypes and Joseph Campbell

The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers, 3rd EditionLast year (to the day!), I said I would do a series on various archetypal thought systems that can inspire a writer. Today (and until I get done with it), I'm going to discuss Joseph Campbell's breakdowns according to Christopher Vogler .
Vogler names the most useful, basic archetypes for writers:
  • Hero
  • Mentor
  • Threshold Guardian 
  • Herald
  • Shapeshifter
  • Shadow
  • Trickster

First things first. According to Vogler,
The concept of archetypes is an indispensable tool for understanding the purpose or function of characters in a story. If you grasp the function of the archetype which a particular character is expressing, it can help you determine if the character is pulling her full weight in the story. The archetypes are part of the universal language of storytelling, and a command of their energy is as essential to the writer as breathing.  (p. 29, emphasis his)

It's very easy to call character A the Mentor, and that is her only function - to mentor and educate the Hero, then to let her go into the world on her own. But in order to make a story character interesting and three dimensional, the Mentor will most likely play many roles, just like real people. Someone can give you excellent advice one day, then the next tie your shoelaces together. This person has embodied both the Mentor and the Trickster/Shapeshifter archetypes.

For the next few days, I'll breakdown each individual archetype. This is going to be fun!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Surround yourself with beauty.

I think a lot of writers have this tedious self discipline and denial attitude towards their writing. That you have to get up at 3 am or force yourself to work in order to actually finish the book.

As an eternal contrarian, I think writing is self care. I do it because it makes me feel wonderful, and therefore, I want to do it a lot. And denial breeds resentment, not joy.

So in practicing what I preach, I indulged myself in some personal beauty.

First, I got a gorgeous henna this past weekend. Sorry for the view of the sink, but that's where the light was good. :) Isn't this a beauty??

Then yesterday, I painted over a semi-circular window in our house. This window faces south and it can get quite bright in that room. I took down the fabric I'd stapled there years ago, and came up with this little confection.