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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Sex Cliches that gotta go. Part One.

There are so many cliches in erotic materials. My next few posts are going to talk about which ones I want to see gone, gone, gone, and how to avoid them. I want your love scenes to be truthful, arousing, and to give others permission to express their desires.

Cliche #1:

 Simultaneous Orgasms (S.O.s)

Orgasming at the same moment of your partner(s) is really hot and really fun. It requires co-ordination, sensitivity to each other's arousal, and can bond the people together.

But do all of your sex scenes end in simultaneous orgasms? Each of the scenes in your work should have different levels of emotional and spiritual intimacy. An act of love that creates a simultaneous orgasms needs to create a deeper connection between the characters. An S.O. can happen at any time during the character arc. 

Just remember, that when you are writing intercourse or mutual masturbation, don't act like that the height of pleasure is cumming at the same time. When I'm reading, I want the ones involved to experience all of their erotic potential, from raw lust to tender eye contact. An S.O. should never be the only goal. 

Once you remove the onus of an S.O. from a scene, you can let the characters' individual turn-ons and fantasies guide you.This creates memorable and more truthful sexual arousal. Your reader or viewer won't get bored, and at no point, will anyone say, "I've seen *that* a million times."


Tuesday, August 10, 2021