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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

How to write a really hot sex scene, Part One.

I'll admit it. I like writing love scenes. Sex scenes. Saucy stuff. Naughty Notes. The, "Oh my God. Does your mother know you write this?!" kinds of books. I like writing them because:

  • I believe that the world needs more examples of consensual, joyous, healthy sexuality,
  • I believe that delight is the medicine that helps us through the bad times,
  • I believe anything that brings humanity together can only be for the good, and
  • I believe that arousal is a worthy goal for a book.
In the next few newsletters, I'm going to talk about writing love scenes. It doesn't matter how steamy you like it to be - if you want to draw the curtains before the characters even kiss, or if you want to follow them into the bedroom (or any other locale of interest).

So grab your keyboard, get the lube ready, and let's start writing!

Where to buy


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What is the best that could happen?

Let's be honest. Right now, the world truly sucks. We are dealing with a global pandemic, the rise of fascism, and incompetent world leaders. We are anxious, exhausted, and consumed with fear. In order to find at least a tiny bit of cope, we must ask ourselves:


"Covid-19 numbers infection rates go down."

"Nationwide, all police departments destroy the traces of white supremacy that foul the system."

Then, we ask:

"I can continue to wear a mask and social distance. It's really hard, but I've done hard things before."

"I will write and call and protest to the best of my ability. It is scary and feels small, but it is less scary than doing nothing."

We cannot make the best happen if we do not know what it is.