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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Romance Writers of Australia, 2019

The fabulous Bec McMaster. Read her books!
 I am home from my visit to Melbourne, Australia for the Romance Writers of Australia Conference,  2019! Friday night, the Mercure/Pullman hotel hosted the annual cocktail party. The theme was Twisted Fairy Tales. Not all of us dressed up, but man, those who did looked AWESOME!

The party was the kick off of an amazing weekend full of workshops with brilliant women, talking writing, and of course, my presentation on Writing the Best Sex of Your Life. Australian romance writers are so gracious, intelligent, and friendly. I was beyond honored to be there.

A half-feral Belle.
 Various links of various people I met:

Davina Stone

Bec McMaster (OMG her books are so good)

Jacqui Greig, Editor of Blush Magazine

Nalini Singh A giant among romance writers, though she is petite and adorable.

Moses, telling us how to do it.

Me in front of the gorgeous rose wall.

Jacqui Greig, of Blush Magazine, and tall husband!

So many cool costumes.

All the criminals of the fairy tale world.

A hippy, happy Malificent!

More criminals!

Monday, August 5, 2019

Hello, Melbourne!

I am already in love with Melbourne on the first day. Here are some pictures to show you this very cool city.

The Charming Man and I are spending a few days in the Central Businesses District before moving on to the conference hotel. This is what we have seen.

This has to be the perfect comics crossover.

Prawns on tomato sauce.