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Monday, February 15, 2016

My new office.

Me, daunted.
When I found out that I had nerve damage, I felt pretty lousy. I had to completely tear down how I worked and start from scratch. It was a daunting task.

So first, I had to order a sit/stand desk. I went through the reviews and chose The Ergo Depot's Jarvis Bamboo desk. Dig it folks! A motorized sit/stand for under $1000 dollars. And some seriously fast delivery, too.
Isn't it pretty?!
Next, I had to completely tear down my office. That was a mess and a half. I got the desk assembled and then The Charming Man and I made our office space bright, spacious, and much more usable.
 Check out my fantastic new layout! The desk is smaller, but I have more usable room.

I even cleaned the walls and rehung pictures and two of my three collage diplomas (the third fell behind a book case).
A few days later, I found my Muse in an antique shop -

A Minoan snake goddess from Knossos, Crete.

All the Wikipedia goodness over here.
She looks very fierce, but also very patient.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Lessons in Ergonomics.

Not *my* elbow, though.
So, yeah. That bad ergo thing had really done a number on my body. In the past, I've had sore wrists, Olecranan Bursitis (aka Popeye Elbow. Very attractive.), and now, damage to the nerves descending from my sacrum.

So let's avoid all of this pain, irritation, and general slow-down. Here's what we do.

Grab a good image from the web with the all the proper angles for your joints.

Doesn't she look comfy and happy?

Here's a pro tip - don't try to adjust all these things on your own. Have someone else help you! There's no way you can tell if your knees are at a 90 degree angle by yourself. Not even with that beat up protractor you still have from high school Geometry. Make some other sucker use that horrible thing.

Can you tell I wasn't so great at geometry?

I just got a sit/stand desk. Here's the info for that.

A standing desk can be crazy comfy, but it will mess up your hand writing. Next week, what my desk looks like now!