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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Monster Mash.

Welcome to my very first blog post, from February, 2009!!

Hello, world, and welcome to Linda Mercury's Blog!

Today's topic is Monster Movies. How curious is it that a woman who loves to write vampire novels doesn't watch monster movies?

I made up for lost time this week, though, by watching The Mummy (1999), The Mummy Returns (2001), and Nosferatu (1922) all in one week.

What exactly does a novelist take from watching movies? This novelist, at least, takes the importance of setting, body language, and story structure. How do they keep the pace going or not going? How do the film makers create a sense of anticipation and danger? Can I identify the story arc for each character? How can I translate an action scene into words? What little things 'make' each shot special? What makes a character sympathetic?

But most importantly, I get images of really hot men. I confess, I now have pictures of Arnold Vosloo and Oded Fehr pinned above my writing desk. Their physicality and charisma definitely have inspired me to write a much hotter hero than before.


Noferatu was a different proposition. Dracula's Secret explores facets of the Dracula myth and as such, I figure I'd better watch some of vampire classics. The print I rented through Netflix had the most distracting music I'd ever experienced in a silent film. Something about cheerful string arpeggios when Count Orlok is being his creepiest just really killed the experience. I turned the sound off and enjoyed the film that way.

What did I learn from Nosferatu? The importance of soundtrack! Listening to frothy, uptempo music when I'm writing something frightening or even sexy is self-defeating, to say the least.

What monster movies do you like? What do you get from them?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Karim Nagi lesson sample: "Maqam and Taqsim for Dancers"

And now, a literal taqsim, shown here in Karim Nagi's teaching video. :)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Rolling with it.

Photo by Michael Baxter.
In Belly Dance, there is a section of the music called the "Taqsim". It is a Turkish word meaning "Solo" or "Solo action".

For a taqsim, the music is completely improvised, much like a live jazz solo. This means the dancer completely improvises as well. She has no idea what will come at her next. When the dancer and the musician are connected, it becomes an intimate and profound performance that binds the spectators, the band, and the dancer together.

The solo/taqsim is often a slow piece of music (but it does not have to be!). When the dancer moves slowly, we can see every thought, every impulse for her actions.

It is hypnotic, peaceful, and strong.

Going slow in writing creates this same sense of wonder. Writers can get so caught up in page count, word count, number of submissions in this quarter- anything that is quantifiable, really.

In this time of hibernation, racing from plot point to plot point can create anxiety. Go slow. Dig deep. Show us your passion.