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Saturday, December 1, 2012

A chapter of Dracula's Secret

Chapter One
Portland, Oregon
 His sun pierced her night. 
       Valerie Tate stopped dead at the sudden stabbing pain and clapped her leather gloved hands over her sensitive eyes. She’d been running full speed from rooftop to rooftop in an effort to bypass the clogged holiday traffic between her and her destination. Portland’s nighttime rain had merely cloaked her progress instead of slowing her down.
  The flare of light, brighter than a magnesium bomb exploding in her face, now left her stunned, blind, and helpless. Anyone looking out over the skyline could see her. Not something she wanted.  
 She crouched, one foot poised over the lip of a building’s crown. One wrong step and she’d fall off. It wouldn’t be a fatal drop, but it would certainly slow her down. Better to risk being seen up here, prancing about like some crazed musical number, than sprawled out on the pavement in the middle of the Halloween crowd.
 Valerie probed the skin on her face. Unlike contact with magnesium and direct sunlight, she hadn’t blistered or burned in response. Good. That would have ruined her evening’s plans. Much depended on her appearance not gathering too much attention.
 Blood seeped from under her eyelids in response to the too-bright shine. Under the cover of her palms, she blinked away the achingly intense spots floating before her vision. 
 How could this happen? Once, a magnesium bomb had detonated next to her. Even as her skin peeled back, she had kept going. Nothing broke her concentration during a mission. Six hundred years of killing had taught her well. 
 Shock gave way to curiosity. Curiosity then unraveled her single-minded determination. She wiped the tears of blood off of her face and carefully squinted against the glare that surrounded the figure below. As her vision cleared, she saw him, surrounded by the aura that had halted her. 
What was he, this man three stories below her, innocently checking his text messages on a silver BlackBerry? As her eyes adapted, she studied him with all her undead senses. 
 Not soap, not cologne, but his essence was the second thing that struck her. The aroma of cloves, sweet and hot, rammed up her nose like a fist, overwhelming the car exhaust and excrement odors rising from busy Burnside Avenue. The fiery smell transformed her anger into something far more complicated. Hunger beyond blood clenched her stomach and parts below. Startled, she stood. She licked her teeth, swallowed her desire, and studied his face.
 The endless Northwest autumn drizzle plastered blond hair to his skull. He glanced up from his little machine, obviously aware that someone watched him. To Valerie’s surprise, he found her, even up high with her black clothes against the black night. 
She locked her knees against a shudder when she saw his blue eyes. Not any shade of blue, but the color of icy seas under the full moon. Even covered in worn jeans and a frayed but high-end sweatshirt, his broad-shouldered body made her mouth pucker, ready to kiss. A generous bulge in his pants caught her attention, lewdly contrasting to the brightness of his innocent shine.
 It didn’t make sense. His perfect, confident posture and chiseled, patrician features marked him as the kind who should be swinging a tennis racket on some blue-blood tennis court. 
Why this strong of a reaction to this man on this rainy night? She had sworn off sex for more decades than she cared to remember. Thousands of handsome, well-built, and brave women and men had passed in front of her over the years. 
 The most she’d felt was a few flickers of interest. Now, her thighs flexed against the hot kernel between her legs.
 The headlights from a bus lit him up even brighter. And she saw his true nature.
      A warrior, home from the front lines, sick of violence but caught in it. That eye-searing shine was not innocence, for lines of hard-won worldly knowledge bracketed his sensually shaped lips. Exhaustion creased the corners of those extravagantly gorgeous eyes and lived between his eyebrows. Instead of purity, he lit the night with the ferocity of his spirit. 
      He turned away from her to face the door of the building behind him, denial in every line of his body.
      Valerie sucked in an unnecessary breath of cold, clove-scented air.
 Only the best of humanity had that shine: people who were dedicated to making the world better for everyone, not just themselves. She’d seen that glow in such disparate people from Mother Teresa to a pubescent boy protecting two toddler girls from a rapist in Rwanda.
 This one had a Higher Calling.
 Bad news.
 Higher Callings meant certain failure to their vehicles. She exhaled.
Poverty still ran rampant in Kolkata. Rwanda still seethed with heart-rending pain, even though Valerie killed the rapist and saved the children. Valerie twisted her lips at the memory. He’d tasted terrible. There simply wasn’t enough mouthwash in the world to get rid of that foul aftertaste.
 Worse, those well-meaning Higher Calling fools always tried to suck her into their causes. Those idiots dared to claim her fight, her redemption, was less worthy than their dreams.
 No promise of sunshine was worth that risk. The steady rain cooled her arousal. Time to go.
 The moon broke through the patchy cloud cover, illuminating the night. Disregarding gravity’s pull, she leaned forward. It was too short of a drop to concern her now that she could see. 
Darkness lay against his purity like rotted fruit on snow. 
Valerie’s own darkness quickened at what those throbbing spots revealed. Her damned soul laughed at the irony. It was inevitable now. This man had secrets of his own. Things he thought no one could forgive.
 Just like her.
 As though he couldn’t help himself, he glanced over his shoulder at her. His own up and down glance caught her as surely as a wasp in hot tar. She knew what he saw—a slender woman dressed in an expensive black coat and trousers. Red lipstick, pale skin, nails painted in dark burgundy. Gray suede designer shoes, from some outrageous but already forgotten New York store. Feminine, dark, and very upper-class. This illusion would allow her to penetrate the security around tonight’s target.
 Passion sucked at her skin the moment he touched her with extended senses. The man was able to search her aura? Her nipples tightened into tight pearls. 
 The heat stroked and clung to her, ratcheting her arousal higher. Only fierce willpower kept her from an orgasm. Two could play this game. She returned his brazen, searing stare. When she lowered her eyelids and softened her lips, he shifted to the balls of his feet.
 How could this be? Very few humans could probe secrets the way paranormal beings could. What was he to have such extraordinary powers?

Friday, November 30, 2012

Virtual book tour - halfway mark!

Here are the links to my book tour stops for the last two days!

Thursday's Blog:
Realmantic Moments

Friday's Blog:
Black Velvet Seductions

Be sure to follow along to be able to read the first two chapters of Dracula's Desire. :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Next Big Thing! (Week Twenty-six)

This is Lori. Isn't she cool?
Last week, I was asked by my fellow eKensington author, Lori Sjoberg, (visit her here), to participate in the Next Big Thing blog game.

Rule 1: Answer these ten questions about your current work in progress on your blog.
 So here we go!

1- What is the working title of your book?

Dracula Unleashed

    2- Where did the idea come from for the book?
In Dracula’s Secret and Dracula’s Desires (the two previous novels),  I know that I had to have my heroine face  her past one last time before she could truly relax and be happy with her two male partners and her new baby.

    3- What genre does your book fall under?
Paranormal romance

    4- Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Daniel Craig for Lance Soleil, a non-sexist Dean Martin for John Janté,  a dark haired Lucy Lawless for Valerie
Hello, Mr. Good Guy!

    5- What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
There are no parenting books for vampires.

    6- Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
This book will be published by eKensington and released in March of 2013.

    7- How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
I had five months to write the entire story.

    8- What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Emma Holly’s vympr series combined with Laurell K. Hamilton’s Merry Gentry

    9- Who or What inspired you to write this book?
My characters,  John, Lance, and Valerie, were all very clear that they had more to say.

    10- What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?
Hot, uninhibited sex, heroes who want to save the world, redemption, and quite possibly the most confused mother on the planet.

Now, there was a Rule 2: Tag five other authors to play and link.

Well, due to life constraints, I wasn't able to tag five other authors.  (Sorry Lori! I suck). However, I was so inspired by this blog game, that I emailed my female friends who make a living in the arts (not just writing), and we will be playing a variation of this game next week.

Entrants include:

Saqra, Master Belly Dancer
Kim Sakkara, Clothing Designer
Jessa Slade, Author of the amazing Marked Souls series.
Grace Constantine, Belly Dance Instructor


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day Two of the Virtual Book Tour

The countdown begins - today is day two of fourteen for my book excerpt blog tour.

Today, it is over at the Night Sky, Dark Star blog. Come on over to read another teasing bit of Dracula's Desires. :)

Click HERE to read.

And don't forget, if you comment, you will be entered in a chance to win a one of kind, hand painted fan (to keep cool when reading the book).

Monday, November 26, 2012

Virtual book tour

Part of being an e-published author is the difficulty in doing a traditional book tour. Instead, I will do a virtual book tour.

In this tour, you'll be able to read the first three chapters of Dracula's Desires (here) in daily installments over the next two weeks.

I am also giving away one of my handpainted fans as part of this tour.


Get Set...

Click here! 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Quote of the Day

Wise advice from The Charming Man:

"Don't drink and brachiate."

(for those who haven't had their coffee yet, the definition of brachiation can be found here)

Dracula's Secret

Dracula's Desires

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

It's my birthday, and I'm giving away a gift!

I have a pretty big wrist and it fits me.

 Ok, so you have to turn your head sideways to see it, but this is a fabulous bracelet made of a classic skulls and flames motif.

I'll pick a random commenter here at my blog!

Detail of those bad-ass skulls.

Dracula's Secret, Book One of the Blood Wings series can be bought here.

Dracula's Desires, Book Two of the Blood Wings series can be bought here.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Saga of the Backyard.

The Charming Man and I never spent much time in our backyard, even though we had an enormous deck and a plethora of shady trees. It was always full of unpleasant insects and lacked any privacy.

This summer, we decided to renovate the back yard as a memorial to my beloved Grandmother. On the hottest day of August, some of the Charming Man's co-workers were kind enough to come help rip up part of the deck. Now the rest of it is gone and we are beginning on the journey to construction.

Here are pictures of what our back yard looks like now- your basic mud pit, but full of promise.

Soon it will be a Middle Eastern style retreat.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Overheard in the Charming-Mercury household:

Me to The Charming Man: "I know you are a keyboard slut. And I'm ok with it."

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Ultimate Muse

Happy Birthday, Bram Stoker!
Thank you for a wonderful book that has inspired so many. My passionate Valerie would not exist without you.

Monday, October 29, 2012

And the winner is....

Many thanks go to Beth Gordon of Oregon, a super-fantastic person who shared the news of my latest blog giveaway!

Beth receives this wonderful dragon necklace for spreading the word. :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Countdown to Halloween: First Awesome Giveaway!

EDIT: My friends have wisely pointed out that my ego is getting in the way of the fun! Instead of demanding that you prove you read my book, I will randomly give away the necklace to someone who Tweets or shares on Facebook about this giveaway. Yay!

For the next week, I am going to randomly give away marvelous jewelry that my characters,  John Jante, Valerie Tate, and Lance Soliel, think are funny and marvelous.
Don't you want him?

In honor of the most famous Halloween spook of all, Vlad Dracula, I am giving away this dark and dangerous dragon necklace.

Why a dragon?

Because Dracul means Dragon.

Because my heroine, Valerie Tate, wears a coat embroidered with a dragon.

All you have to do is share the news about this contest!

Dracula's Secret for sale here.
Dracula's Desires for sale here.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Dracula's Secret is on sale!

If you've been waiting to pick up Dracula's Secret, now is the time. It is only $1.99 over at Amazon. 

As always, you can buy Dracula's Desires, Book Two of the Blood Wings series, here

Friday, October 5, 2012

More stuff from my bizarre brain.

I was singing along with Michael Jackson's Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough in the shower.

Instead of the chorus:

Keep On With The Force Don't Stop
Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough

I sang:

Go on, to the Post Office
Don't stop 'til you drop it off....

Keep on dropping it off, folks!

Linda Mercury

Dracula's Secret - to buy, click here
Dracula's Desires- to buy, click here

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Taste the Desire, Part Five

Chapter One, continued.

As he neared her door, he reached inside his suit jacket. Like a magician pulling a chainsaw from a top hat, the former angel drew a pistol the size of Valerie’s forearm.
Valerie raised an eyebrow. Or he could be the universe’s stupidest assassin.
She assessed her situation.
     Him: Older, meaner, with the advantage of calling high-powered backup.
     Her: Pregnant, tired, hungry, pissed-off, and trapped in a small enclosed space.
     The odds were bad.
     Just the way she liked it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Taste the Desire, Part Four

Chapter One, continued.

His lack of originality told Valerie that this was not one of the Fallen who had chosen to ride the Wheel to redemption. He had remained loyal to Lucifer. In short, Lucifer’s cannon fodder. His slow ramble toward her dilapidated room did not reveal any danger. He might be insipid, but he also might be good for a laugh.
The dusty gravel cracked and rolled under his feet. His suit rubbed against itself, the expensive fabric shushing in a pleasing fashion. He was making sure she knew he was there. If he’d been coming to kill her, he would have materialized in her room and destroyed her as she lay resting.
As the Fallen neared her door, his innately chaotic nature tugged at her already-sensitive nipples. Paranormal beings had been created to keep the Fallen company. Perhaps this one came to provide solace for her heartbroken state, one lost creature to another. She wouldn’t love him, but at least they would understand each other.
Besides, she had heard the best way to get over someone was to get under someone else. She doubted it, though. Since the 1400s, Valerie had bared herself to only two lovers: her wife, Ilona, and then Lance. Each of them had destroyed her, freezing her emotions with devastating regret and fear.
Sadly, she set aside any thoughts of a distracting seduction.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Taste the Desire: Part three

Chapter One, Continued.

Her eyes stung with tears. Lance’s angelic blood and her subsequent pregnancy had weakened her. Not physically—she was still as strong as ever. In fact, Lance’s painful gifts had increased her powers. But it had humanized her as well. Now she wept. Wept! A six-hundred-year-old vampire crying at the slightest provocation? She had executed her own wife without a single moan. Now, she whined like a hungry puppy when she remembered how Lance left her behind. That was nothing compared to her past.
 She drew back her arm to punch the thin wall by the window, sick of her fragility. As her fist arrowed to shatter the cut-rate plaster, she regained her self-control. Her knuckles lightly tapped the faded gray of the wall.
Stop it. Six months of her pathetically weak will letting her think of what she no longer had. That was then. This was now.
Lance wasn’t worth any more of her time. There was a Fallen Angel to watch. She had to stay focused.
In addition to his dull aura, his overly neat, shiny Italian suit and highly fashionable skinny tie betrayed his vanity. The high-end narrow jacket emphasized his sensual build. Honesty forced her to admit that the Angelic Host didn’t exactly have what could be called fashion sense. All that gleaming white could get old for the flamboyant sort.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dracula's Desire: Taste the Desire, part two

Chapter One

What in hell was a Fallen Angel doing in Geneva, Switzerland?
That caustic brimstone stench could warn a city of half-dead humans with nose colds busily shoveling manure, let alone a solitary vampire minding her own business. Valerie Tate set aside her ancient manuscript about vampires and looked out her cheap hotel room’s filthy window to take stock of the newcomer.
Aching from yesterday’s long drive from Amsterdam to Geneva, she put her hands on the small of her back and stretched, counterbalancing the weight of her six-months’-pregnant stomach.
She wasn’t interested in being a mother, but her curiosity demanded that she see what happened. Right now, an emissary from Lucifer was happening.
The Fallen appeared as a handsome young man. His sleek swimmer’s build combined with pale skin, and cornflower blue eyes gave him an innocent, wistful air. If he’d been human, she would have contemplated the taste of his blood. Unfortunately, his aura was a sickeningly depressing shade of beige. He had no passion, no flavor. He was a follower.
Valerie preferred fiery men. A man like Lance Soliel, whose aura crackled with ardor, whose hot mouth and hotter intellect had captured her dead and frozen heart.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dracula's Desires: Taste the desire.

To celebrate the release of Dracula's Desires, I'm going to release little snippets of the first two chapters here at my blog.

On a wild, evil night in 1431 AD, Vlad II Dracul’s second son was born. The parents named their child Vlad III, after his father. This child grew up to become one of the most famous torturers in the world: Vlad the Impaler, Vlad Tepes, best known as Dracula. The stories of his atrocities grew even greater when he refused death and became the legendary vampire.

     Throughout the centuries, the younger Vlad allied himself with leaders who promised an orderly, centralized government that would control an unruly, chaotic Europe. His goal came to the end when he died in Berlin, another dupe used by Hitler to achieve his crazed goals.

The problem with once-upon-a-time stories? They get the important things wrong.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012

And the winner is....

During my blog tour, I promised that one lucky ducky would win this hand-painted fan. And please give a great round of applause to:

Ms. BN100cand graciously commented during my tour, and won not just the fan, but an eKensington sampler booklet!

Thank you BN! You rock, and may you remain cool. :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


At 2:30 am this morning, I emailed Book Three of the Blood Wings series to my editor, Martin Biro at Kensington!!

My goal for today, I intend clean the house, read, and NAP!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Quote of the day

The final line of an IM conversation between The Charming Man and myself:

"Cannibalism can be freeing!"

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Curses, foiled again!

The Charming Man just shot down my idea of turning the interior of the house into a bouncy castle.

I think my brain is going.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Blog Tour!

As you may know, a blog tour is where an author visits a number of other blogs to discuss and share their lives. In celebration for the release of Dracula's Secret, Goddess Fish and I arranged a rock star tour of the blog-o-sphere!

A random commenter will be chosen to receive this lovely hand painted fan, too. :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Note to the world..

Don't rub your eye after you've handled ginger.

Or this song will take on a whole new meaning.

Monday, August 13, 2012


Vivienne Westwood Regent pumps from Zappos. Here is the description!
  • WARNING! You may cause whiplash wearing these shoes in public! Others are bound to fall head over heels in love watching you prancing down the pavement in the provocative Vivienne Westwood™ Regent!
  • Sensationally striped leather upper.
  • Wide round throatline.
  • Leather lining.
  • Leather insole.
  • Leather outsole.
  • Spanish heel.
  • Made in Italy.
  • Measurements:
    • Heel Height: 4 in

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Here we go again; the denegration of women's reading

To be clear; I have not read 50 Shades of Grey yet. I have been too busy getting Dracula Unleashed (Book Three of the Blood Wings series) into some kind of order. But naturally, I have an opinion about the nasty, denigrating comments about books that women like to read.

I have touched on these themes before in my Defense of Twilight posts, (here, here, here, here, here), but they bear repeating.

In no particular order, I want to point out the following things.

1. Women are not stupid.  
 Some critics think that the people who read 50 Shades are going to jump right in and start doing unsafe sexual practices, such as untutored BDSM. There are millions and millions of people tying each other up and spanking like crazy without having been to a single workshop at a leather conference and somehow they survive. Guess what. We do know how to do research.

2. Women are able to separate fantasy from reality.  
 Teenagers who watched the Batman series in the late 1960s did not try climbing up buildings crouched over with a single rope.

3. Women are not illiterate.
50 Shades is considered to be horribly written, with cliches and redundant phrasing. Here's a little rebuttal from Joanna Russ' How to Suppress Women's Writing, pg. 129:
Women always write in the vernacular....

In the vernacular, it is...hard to be "classic", to be smooth, to be perfect. The Sacred Canon of Literature quite often pretends that some works can be not only atemporal and universal (that is, outside of history, a religious claim) but without flaw and without perceptible limitations. It's hard, in the vernacular, to pretend this, to paper over the cracks. It's also hard to read the vernacular as Holy Writ...

Minority art, vernacular art, is marginal art.
4. Women's sexual fantasies and arousal are important.
Portnoy's Complaint is considered Great Literature. Susie Bright gets told to shut up. Say no more.

5. Ultimately, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what a woman reads.
Adult men can read comic books, war novels, spy novels - anything they want, really. Because it is none of our business what they read. Same for women.

Will I read 50 Shades of Grey? After I meet my deadline, for sure. I'm sure parts of it will annoy me and others will get my motor runnin'.

Just like any other novel.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I admit it. I love James Bond.

And there is a new trailer for Skyfall!

And did you all know I used Daniel Craig as my inspiration for Lance Soleil?

Friday, July 13, 2012

Dracula's Desires is available for pre-sale!

The second book in the Blood Wings Series, Dracula's Desires, is now up on Amazon and other e-retailers for pre-order. It will be released September 20th!

Isn't it a gorgeous, sexy cover?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My very weird brain.

There is a downside to growing up in a family of clowns. Today was a great example.

This afternoon, I treated myself to lunch at the yummy Davis Street Tavern. To my left, a gentleman was interviewing a lady for some kind of tech/design position.

(first off, can I just say "Euuuwww" to interviewing someone while they are trying to eat? In public, where strangers can listen in? Isn't the lunch portion of an interview supposed to be a break so the interviewee can relax and let their personality emerge?? Sheesh)

The gentleman (who looked like he was about to mow the lawn - I mean, come on, dude! She's interviewing you, too) said something that went a little something like this:

"You are in a meeting with a client. You've done your research and come up with what you think is the best proposal. I come to the meeting and I completely disagree with you. My proposal is the exact opposite of yours. What do you do?"

I had to clap my hand over my mouth because I wanted to answer that question for her. And I wanted to say, "Well, naturally you stand up and scream:


Lord, I crack myself up.

Character Creation, part two

(Previous post here)

Now you have have some (more or less) randomly generated numbers. You are ready to start building your character's basic attributes.

More or less random numbers

Get another piece of paper and right down these  six TLAs:
Weird three letter acronyms
STR  (Strenght) This denotes how much your character can carry and (obviously) how much physical strength they have.

DEX (Dexterity) refers to reflexes, balance, and flexibility. A Cirque du Soliel performer would have a DEX of 18 (the highest number you can get). An average person would be around 9.

CON (Constitution) tells you how much stamina this imaginary person has. It includes their ability to recover from stress or injury.

INT (Intelligence) is a measure of learning and reasoning skill. An example of intelligence in action is how quickly this character learns languages.

WIS (Wisdom) is different from intelligence in that it denotes a person's willpower, awareness, common sense, and intuition.

CHA (Charisma) refers to the ability to lead, their personality, appearance, and skill at diplomacy.

Then place those random numbers randomly on your characteristics.

This character is moderately strong, pretty flexible, smart enough to get into trouble, and likes to lead.

For a person with this kind of dexterity, I would most likely make them a cat-burglar in training, or perhaps a business owner who likes to tumble in their free time.

See how you can get a wide variety of ideas from six simple attributes?

Roll some dice and have some fun! That's why we write, after all. :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Re-order news!

If you pre-ordered Dracula's Secret back in January (when it was available the first time), you will need to re-order.

From my editor:
"The reason the pre-orders for the original listing of DRACULA’S SECRET didn’t carry over is because the ISBN was changed (I suspected that might be the case).  Normally people wouldn’t have to re-order but a new ISBN makes for an entirely different product."

Fortunately, you aren't charged until the book ships, so re-ordering shouldn't be too big of a problem. Sorry for any inconvenience. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Character Creation

I'm always looking for ways to stimulate my brain. This past weekend, I got a wonderful shot of creativity from an unexpected source.

For the first time in nearly twenty years, I joined a game based on Dungeons and Dragons. Yep, that old role playing game (RPG) that we used to fear would lead the youth of our nation into devil worship.

In actuality, RPGs are an adventure in shared, co-operative story telling. Any author who has co-written a story can tell of the joys of creating a world and quirky characters with another person. I got to have that fun with seven other bright, intelligent, fun people.

Every story starts with a character or eight. Someone with various strengths and weaknesses who gets challenged to push herself. How she reacts to those challenges depend a great deal on her personality traits. Fortunately, RPGs give you a wonderful way to discover those personalities.

Of course, we usually use archetypes (here) or GMC (here). But why not try some thing a little koo-koo crazy?

First, get yourself four six sided dice.

Then, roll your dice.

Remove the lowest number from the cluster.

Add up the remaining dice and write that number down. Do that six times.

Next time - what to do with those numbers!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Another growth opportunity.

"What is the hardest lesson you've learned on your writing journey?"

Oh, ouch. I so didn't want to think on that.

Fortunately, I learned how to deal with rejection early (pro-tip: read Making a Literary Life by Carolyn See).

What should I talk about? The difficulty in believing in yourself? The need to Dare to be Average?

No, the hardest part was learning to talk about my work.

(I just now completely stalled out on writing this, thinking about what I was going to say about talking about my work.)

When you have a dream, you might have to keep it under wraps for a little while - protect it from those who would, in a completely innocent way (of course), say or do things that discourage you.

I got stuck there. When it came time to pitch my book or to ask for help, I would either stall or simply not answer.

I do not recommend this course of action. Once your dream is sturdy, share it.

What is your dream? What are you working on?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

More awesome things.

Romantic Times magazine is the best way to find romance book reviews as well as to learn when books will be released.

Kensington has taken out a full page advertisement to tell the world about their new e-book line. And my book is one of the July releases to be highlighted.

I can't wait to read all these other books, too.