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Showing posts with label Dracula's Secret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dracula's Secret. Show all posts

Monday, July 28, 2014

Greetings from the Slush Pile

Every author has to cut scenes she loves from a book. Today we visit one cut from Dracula's Secret. I loved the sensuality and the ideas of traditional femininity. But it slowed down the plot to a snail's pace, so it had to go.

      Valerie examined the headless body in front of her. This might be the most difficult thing she had ever faced. She touched the pit of her neck, the rest of her petrified by the sight.
      The dressmaker’s dummy, dressed in exquisite sunset orange European silk and cream-colored lace, paralyzed her.
      Jane’s Vanity was a small, unassuming, and thoroughly intimidating lingerie store. The vampire took a hesitant step towards the door and clutched the door handle. Her vision wavered. Hundreds of years of habit held her outside the store. Valerie had never worn any sort of sexually attractive undergarments since she’d begun dressing as a woman. Her quest had kept her focused on the all-consuming goal. Her expensive outerwear had been an investment in camouflage and disguise. Honesty forced her to admit that she had bought her dragon-embroidered coat for pleasure.
      Now she had the chance to wear something for pleasure. A terrifying thought.
      Fearlessness, she reminded herself as she swung open the gleaming door. A little bell rang cheerily as she entered the tiny store. As Valerie stroked a Belgian lace parasol, a small drama unfolded before her.  A shy-looking Indian woman swung a pink silk gown off the rack and held it in front of herself. The color brought out the gleam of her thick black hair and brought a healthy warmth to her brown skin. She smoothed the fabric against her body as she looked in the mirror.
      Valerie licked her lips at the sound of skin on silk, heat building in her belly. Centuries as a man had given her a deep seated appreciation of women.

Want to read the real story of Dracula? Read Dracula's Secret!

Friday, February 7, 2014

First kisses

Here is a repost from June 10, 2010. Of the first kiss in my first novel.

I'm in the mood for a first kiss.

From Dracula's Secret - Valerie and Lance's first kiss:

Lance ambled forward, his gaze locked on her lips. He clasped her hand, caressing his thumb over the thin skin of her wrist. Her eyes stayed on him as he wrapped his other hand around her neck and, pulling her to him, touched his lips to hers. Her mouth surprised him. Such a starkly beautiful woman shouldn’t be so soft and plush.

For a few wild seconds, she stared into his eyes, seeming to assess his sincerity.

Then, slowly, deliberately, she closed her eyelids. Her hands wrapped around his back and held on as she opened her mouth and let him in.

He kissed her again and again, learning her mouth. Vampires didn’t taste of old blood or decay. Valerie, at least, tasted resinous and earthy, like rosemary. Like sex outdoors on a blanket under young redwood trees.

Their lips separated just far enough for him to look into her heavy-lidded hazel eyes. The hungry look on her face made his cock swell even harder until he ached to be inside of her.

She scratched at his nipples with her short nails. He hissed as he pressed into her touch. He clasped her chin with one hand. Clasping the other around her waist, he pushed her against a wall. Lance smiled as her eyes widened. He had his own gifts of supernatural-level strength.

Grabbing her ass, he lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his hips and pushed against her hot crotch against his thumping erection. Their teeth clicked in a fierce kiss.

His hands kneaded the firm flesh of her bottom. Even through her pants he felt her muscles flex and quiver. She growled and slid her hands under his leather coat. His next powerful thrust had her raking her nails down his back. Lance offered no quarter. Neither did she. They fought for dominance with kisses.

She couldn’t overpower him. He met her, strength for strength, stroke for stroke, then matched her, and finally controlled her.

They broke apart. As they stared into each other’s eyes, he panted into her mouth. She took the unnecessary air into her lungs.

Vampires didn’t breathe, except to speak or scent. Oxygen, like alcohol in humans, made them euphoric, light-headed, and uninhibited. The undead hated being out of control. Her pupils dilated until the barest ring of hazel held. What would she do?

Valerie dug her hands into his hair. “More.”

Friday, August 2, 2013

Dracula's Secret teaser for the day!

Random Quote from Dracula's Secret, now out in trade paperback!
The smell of cloves and musk and blood on her hands made her mouth water. Unthinking, Valerie licked her index finger. At the first taste of Lance’s blood, her nipples burned and her mouth tingled, as though she’d sipped from the sun.
At Amazon.
 At Barnes and Noble

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dracula's Desires now available in paperback!!

Pardon me as I engage in shameless self promotion - Dracula's Desires, Book Two of the Blood Wings series is now out as a paperback!


Barnes and Noble

And don't forget that Book One, Dracula's Secret, is also available in paperback, too!

Barnes and Noble

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Free, free, free!

This week, Dracula's Secret is free at!

Good things about my book:

"With a talent for sinfully sexy romance, Linda Mercury will keep you up through the night and craving more after the last page is turned." --Tori St. Claire, author of Stripped and Lie To Me

"Non stop action, steamy sex, and tons of mythical creatures. This is my kind of Urban Fantasy. The character's are complex, the flashback's are relevant and help move the story along. The story never fails to keep me on my toe's. The idea that Vlad the Impaler was actually a woman is genius and makes Dracula's story that much more interesting.

If you like Urban Fantasy, strong female character's, strong male leads that are actually good men, and good writing you'll love this book. A must have for Kate Daniels fan's." Review by Jskinz.

 Hurry on over!

And don't forget Books Two and Three.
Dracula's Secret, Blood Wings #1
Dracula's Desires, Blood Wings #2
Dracula Unleashed, Blood Wings #3, to be released March 21, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

A love letter to you.

I'm a big fan of Alexandra Franzen (over here).  She wrote this challenge on her website:

The premise: what if instead of writing a traditional “sales page” about your latest product, service, event, project, workshop or offering … you simply wrote your customer a Love Letter?

And this was what came out. :)

I want to live in a world where women are not shamed for what they read, what they watch, and their sexual choices.

I'm so tired of women's tastes being diminished and belittled.

I want you to have books that highlight women asking for what they want, and then being encouraged and supported by her relationships instead of struggling to be heard.

So I've created a series of sexually explicit, adventurous books filled with strong thoughtful men and powerful women.

Right now, I want to you click on the link to read a sample chapter of each book!

Dracula's Secret
Dracula's Desire
Dracula Unleashed

It all begins NOW.

With all my love,

Linda Mercury

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cheap reads!

So perhaps you have been short of funds. Or perhaps you are the cautious sort and would rather not buy a book from a new author without a test drive first.

Either way, you can sample my writing with my short short horror story  - yes, straightforward horror, no sex -
Predator and Prey!

Normal, Illinois was the perfect place for Stuart to live. A college town surrounded by corn fields was the perfect hunting ground. And he has found the perfect victim right next door.

 For a mere .99, you can sample a taste of my writing!

 Buy HERE!

Also, my first book, Dracula's Secret, is currently on sale for $1.99 over at Amazon, right HERE!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

A chapter of Dracula's Secret

Chapter One
Portland, Oregon
 His sun pierced her night. 
       Valerie Tate stopped dead at the sudden stabbing pain and clapped her leather gloved hands over her sensitive eyes. She’d been running full speed from rooftop to rooftop in an effort to bypass the clogged holiday traffic between her and her destination. Portland’s nighttime rain had merely cloaked her progress instead of slowing her down.
  The flare of light, brighter than a magnesium bomb exploding in her face, now left her stunned, blind, and helpless. Anyone looking out over the skyline could see her. Not something she wanted.  
 She crouched, one foot poised over the lip of a building’s crown. One wrong step and she’d fall off. It wouldn’t be a fatal drop, but it would certainly slow her down. Better to risk being seen up here, prancing about like some crazed musical number, than sprawled out on the pavement in the middle of the Halloween crowd.
 Valerie probed the skin on her face. Unlike contact with magnesium and direct sunlight, she hadn’t blistered or burned in response. Good. That would have ruined her evening’s plans. Much depended on her appearance not gathering too much attention.
 Blood seeped from under her eyelids in response to the too-bright shine. Under the cover of her palms, she blinked away the achingly intense spots floating before her vision. 
 How could this happen? Once, a magnesium bomb had detonated next to her. Even as her skin peeled back, she had kept going. Nothing broke her concentration during a mission. Six hundred years of killing had taught her well. 
 Shock gave way to curiosity. Curiosity then unraveled her single-minded determination. She wiped the tears of blood off of her face and carefully squinted against the glare that surrounded the figure below. As her vision cleared, she saw him, surrounded by the aura that had halted her. 
What was he, this man three stories below her, innocently checking his text messages on a silver BlackBerry? As her eyes adapted, she studied him with all her undead senses. 
 Not soap, not cologne, but his essence was the second thing that struck her. The aroma of cloves, sweet and hot, rammed up her nose like a fist, overwhelming the car exhaust and excrement odors rising from busy Burnside Avenue. The fiery smell transformed her anger into something far more complicated. Hunger beyond blood clenched her stomach and parts below. Startled, she stood. She licked her teeth, swallowed her desire, and studied his face.
 The endless Northwest autumn drizzle plastered blond hair to his skull. He glanced up from his little machine, obviously aware that someone watched him. To Valerie’s surprise, he found her, even up high with her black clothes against the black night. 
She locked her knees against a shudder when she saw his blue eyes. Not any shade of blue, but the color of icy seas under the full moon. Even covered in worn jeans and a frayed but high-end sweatshirt, his broad-shouldered body made her mouth pucker, ready to kiss. A generous bulge in his pants caught her attention, lewdly contrasting to the brightness of his innocent shine.
 It didn’t make sense. His perfect, confident posture and chiseled, patrician features marked him as the kind who should be swinging a tennis racket on some blue-blood tennis court. 
Why this strong of a reaction to this man on this rainy night? She had sworn off sex for more decades than she cared to remember. Thousands of handsome, well-built, and brave women and men had passed in front of her over the years. 
 The most she’d felt was a few flickers of interest. Now, her thighs flexed against the hot kernel between her legs.
 The headlights from a bus lit him up even brighter. And she saw his true nature.
      A warrior, home from the front lines, sick of violence but caught in it. That eye-searing shine was not innocence, for lines of hard-won worldly knowledge bracketed his sensually shaped lips. Exhaustion creased the corners of those extravagantly gorgeous eyes and lived between his eyebrows. Instead of purity, he lit the night with the ferocity of his spirit. 
      He turned away from her to face the door of the building behind him, denial in every line of his body.
      Valerie sucked in an unnecessary breath of cold, clove-scented air.
 Only the best of humanity had that shine: people who were dedicated to making the world better for everyone, not just themselves. She’d seen that glow in such disparate people from Mother Teresa to a pubescent boy protecting two toddler girls from a rapist in Rwanda.
 This one had a Higher Calling.
 Bad news.
 Higher Callings meant certain failure to their vehicles. She exhaled.
Poverty still ran rampant in Kolkata. Rwanda still seethed with heart-rending pain, even though Valerie killed the rapist and saved the children. Valerie twisted her lips at the memory. He’d tasted terrible. There simply wasn’t enough mouthwash in the world to get rid of that foul aftertaste.
 Worse, those well-meaning Higher Calling fools always tried to suck her into their causes. Those idiots dared to claim her fight, her redemption, was less worthy than their dreams.
 No promise of sunshine was worth that risk. The steady rain cooled her arousal. Time to go.
 The moon broke through the patchy cloud cover, illuminating the night. Disregarding gravity’s pull, she leaned forward. It was too short of a drop to concern her now that she could see. 
Darkness lay against his purity like rotted fruit on snow. 
Valerie’s own darkness quickened at what those throbbing spots revealed. Her damned soul laughed at the irony. It was inevitable now. This man had secrets of his own. Things he thought no one could forgive.
 Just like her.
 As though he couldn’t help himself, he glanced over his shoulder at her. His own up and down glance caught her as surely as a wasp in hot tar. She knew what he saw—a slender woman dressed in an expensive black coat and trousers. Red lipstick, pale skin, nails painted in dark burgundy. Gray suede designer shoes, from some outrageous but already forgotten New York store. Feminine, dark, and very upper-class. This illusion would allow her to penetrate the security around tonight’s target.
 Passion sucked at her skin the moment he touched her with extended senses. The man was able to search her aura? Her nipples tightened into tight pearls. 
 The heat stroked and clung to her, ratcheting her arousal higher. Only fierce willpower kept her from an orgasm. Two could play this game. She returned his brazen, searing stare. When she lowered her eyelids and softened her lips, he shifted to the balls of his feet.
 How could this be? Very few humans could probe secrets the way paranormal beings could. What was he to have such extraordinary powers?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Ultimate Muse

Happy Birthday, Bram Stoker!
Thank you for a wonderful book that has inspired so many. My passionate Valerie would not exist without you.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Countdown to Halloween: First Awesome Giveaway!

EDIT: My friends have wisely pointed out that my ego is getting in the way of the fun! Instead of demanding that you prove you read my book, I will randomly give away the necklace to someone who Tweets or shares on Facebook about this giveaway. Yay!

For the next week, I am going to randomly give away marvelous jewelry that my characters,  John Jante, Valerie Tate, and Lance Soliel, think are funny and marvelous.
Don't you want him?

In honor of the most famous Halloween spook of all, Vlad Dracula, I am giving away this dark and dangerous dragon necklace.

Why a dragon?

Because Dracul means Dragon.

Because my heroine, Valerie Tate, wears a coat embroidered with a dragon.

All you have to do is share the news about this contest!

Dracula's Secret for sale here.
Dracula's Desires for sale here.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Dracula's Secret is on sale!

If you've been waiting to pick up Dracula's Secret, now is the time. It is only $1.99 over at Amazon. 

As always, you can buy Dracula's Desires, Book Two of the Blood Wings series, here

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Blog Tour!

As you may know, a blog tour is where an author visits a number of other blogs to discuss and share their lives. In celebration for the release of Dracula's Secret, Goddess Fish and I arranged a rock star tour of the blog-o-sphere!

A random commenter will be chosen to receive this lovely hand painted fan, too. :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

More awesome things.

Romantic Times magazine is the best way to find romance book reviews as well as to learn when books will be released.

Kensington has taken out a full page advertisement to tell the world about their new e-book line. And my book is one of the July releases to be highlighted.

I can't wait to read all these other books, too. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Blood Wings Logo!

My Dracula books have a series title - Blood Wings!

And I have a logo now, too. :)

Isn't it AWESOME?? The Kensington Art department is full of geniuses. :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Check out me, hitting the Big Time!

The cover of Dracula's Secret made it into an article in the June 4th, 2012 issue of Publisher's Weekly!!

It's a thumbnail on the first page of an article on the resurgence of contemporary romances. I am attempting to remain calm.

But failing.

 Let's take another look at that thumbnail. :)
Sorry about the fuzzy quality - I took an iPhone picture of the library's copy to hold me over until the bookstores get their copies in.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Dracula's Secret, the first book in the Blood Wings series, is available for pre-order again!

It will be released July 19th, 2012.
I guess it wasn't delayed all that long!

I can't stop dancing!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Important news.

In the meantime, I'll look at lots of pictures of the Topkapi Palace for inspiration.
On the publishing front - the release date for Dracula's Secret has been pushed back (again) to early fall.

I am pleased to say that this is due to the natural growing pains that happen when a publishing house starts a new line. (As you may remember, Dracula's Secret is one of the flagship books for Kensington's brand new e-book line).

So when you ask me when my book will be out, the answer will be, "I don't know, but I will certainly tell you as soon as I find out!"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lucky Seven!

I was tagged by Tori St. Claire to play a game called Lucky Sevens. Here is the only rule: post an excerpt from the 77th page of your book, starting at line 7, and 7 sentences long.

Well, let's see what Dracula's Secret has on its 77th page.

Lucifer’s blood, Valerie thought, save her from stupid mortal antics. If the child got trampled, she would never get inside to finish her job.
Impatiently, she snatched the child up by the straps of her overalls. When the cub wailed in fear, Valerie slung an arm under the diaper-stiff denim and held the girl against her shoulder. Unthinking, she patted the heaving back in ancient, soothing rhythms of comfort.
Ok, so it's more like seven and a half lines, but I wasn't going to cut the sentence in half.

I hope this makes you want to read more!