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Friday, January 28, 2022

The Oracle Deck is out!

 I've worked for ages on the Affirmations for Women in Business. I had no idea what I was doing. It was a long strange road but I finally got it done. 

It is available HERE at the Game Crafter. And it looks a little something like this:

And it reads a little bit like this:

Description: Half of a celadon green vase glows against a plain white background

There are people out there who can help you glue all the pieces together until your life is whole and beautiful. Find those you have a kinship with, people who believe that a rising tide lifts all boats, the ones who pop lovely fizzy beverages at your success, the ones who send you encouraging notes.

Early in my career, I discovered that the people who I thought would be my biggest cheerleaders weren’t. I’d tell them good news and then they would pick at me until I felt lousy. Not every voice around you is going to be helpful. These hurtful words sink into you.

I know it’s hard, but feel free to ask for what you need.


Journal prompts

·       Where do you think you can find supportive people? Take a peek at professional organizations, groups of women in your particular business, or mentoring alliances.

·       Who are your companions in power?

·       Listen to your body signals. Do you get headaches or nausea when a particular person talks to you? Do certain words or situations push you into a depression or leave you struggling to find your favorite self? Practice fear management.


One after another, her family spilled their disdain into her ears. With each blast of bitterness and anger, she shrunk deeper and deeper into herself until she felt like a hollow shell of a thing.

Like she had the day she ran away.

How was it that even from over a hundred miles away, they could still make her miserable? They could still make her feel like half a person? As less than?

The Dream Factory

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