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Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Now that I have found a measure of health again, it is time to celebrate the release of Dracula Unleashed!

 To celebrate Dracula's final book, I am giving away a dragon necklace - after all, Dracul means dragon. And Valerie loves her dragon embroidered coat.

This is the chance to wear your very own dragon! It is suitable for both men and women, too, just like everyone else in the book.
All you have to do is comment here, at my Twitter, or on my Facebook, and you are entered into a drawing for the shiny.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Free, free, free!

This week, Dracula's Secret is free at!

Good things about my book:

"With a talent for sinfully sexy romance, Linda Mercury will keep you up through the night and craving more after the last page is turned." --Tori St. Claire, author of Stripped and Lie To Me

"Non stop action, steamy sex, and tons of mythical creatures. This is my kind of Urban Fantasy. The character's are complex, the flashback's are relevant and help move the story along. The story never fails to keep me on my toe's. The idea that Vlad the Impaler was actually a woman is genius and makes Dracula's story that much more interesting.

If you like Urban Fantasy, strong female character's, strong male leads that are actually good men, and good writing you'll love this book. A must have for Kate Daniels fan's." Review by Jskinz.

 Hurry on over!

And don't forget Books Two and Three.
Dracula's Secret, Blood Wings #1
Dracula's Desires, Blood Wings #2
Dracula Unleashed, Blood Wings #3, to be released March 21, 2013