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Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Best of....

Guess What! This blog is FOUR YEARS OLD! It's hard to believe, but I've been attempting to make sense on the Internet for that long. To celebrate, I'm going to run a few of my 'Greatest Hits'.

Sit back, grab a beverage and enjoy our thrilling ride through yesterday.

From February 10, 2009, The Care and Feeding of an Author.

It's a sad fact that I have to learn a lesson many times before I truly get it (I guess that makes me normal, huh?!). And today, the lesson I learned again is what makes me the most productive.

Being relaxed, well-rested, pain-free, and generally patient with myself means I have a day that rocks hard. I'll compose and edit with great ease and pleasure. Writing is a joy to me and makes me feel amazing.

The minute I tense up and start nagging myself at how much I need to get done and how lazy I am and how much I suck....

Well, let's just say I'm better off going back to bed and calling it a done day.

So to this end, I do a wide number of things to put myself in the best possible place.

I work out five days a week (don't get too excited about this, somehow I'm still a super curvy girl). I give myself permission to take naps.

The hardest thing, though, is to remember that writing is not just Butt in Chair, Fingers on Keyboard. Everything feeds that fire - reading, watching movies, doing research, even taking a long, hot, scented bath - fuels the writer.

Nagging? Not such a good motivator.

Pleasure? The best motivator ever.

What are your pleasures? What motivates you?


Friday, February 8, 2013

Countdown to Dracula Unleashed, #2: Teaser

Dracula Unleashed gets released on March 21st. To celebrate, I am doing a special blog series, full of giveaways, teasers, and other surprises.

Today I give you...The first page of Dracula Unleashed.

June 30th
“Lucifer’s left testicle!”
A delicate snifter of the finest Juarez brandy shattered against the brand-new flat-screen television. Radu Tepes, brother of Dracula, Master of Istanbul, raged out of his green leather wing-backed chair to confront the news.
Umar Mernissi, were-hawk and now director of the Consortium for Concerned Citizens, the civil rights organization Radu had founded, looked directly into the camera, seemingly making eye contact with Radu. “In addition, Mr. Tepes, my former boss, conspired to commit murder. In his personal effects, I found an order to kill Lance Soliel, the still-missing director of the Tualatin Mountain Homeless Shelter.”
“Lies. Those are all lies.” The angry vampire gripped the edges of the TV and yelled to the man who would not stop trashing his reputation. Shards of the ruined glass and alcohol broke the bluish light into rainbows over their nattering faces.
“Fuck you, you tweeting birdie.” Radu flipped both his middle fingers at the were-hawk’s talking head. “You damn well did not find any written orders for a hit.” He jabbed his index finger at Umar’s face, dimpling the soft LCD surface. “That command was entirely verbal. I never leave a paper trail.”
Suck on that, feather-brain.