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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dracula Unleashed!

Check it out! The third book in the Blood Wings series is now available for pre-order.
The release date is March 21, 2013.

After centuries as the Dracula of Legend, disguised as a male, Valerie Tate's current incarnation is the last thing she expected: mother of a precocious half-angel, half-vampire, and wife to two men. But Valerie is more familiar with battlefields than domesticity. . .
Some overwhelmed mothers relax with a glass of wine. Valerie soothes her immortal soul with a refreshing blood and coke. How else can she deal with her toddler Minerva's psychic powers--not to mention her determination to throw knives. Thank goodness for Valerie's two loves, John Jante, guide to Fallen Angels, and Lance Soleil, Angel of the Lost. Without them, the trauma of her dark past and her primal, Dracul urge for violence and power would overtake her. Yet in a world where humans and paranormals uncomfortably co-exist, Valerie's peace will be short-lived. . .

 Tensions have erupted with bombings and the emergence of creatures heralding the apocalypse itself. And Valerie's vampire brother and nemesis, Radu, is at the center of the conflict. Now Valerie finds herself at the forefront of an epic battle between good and evil--and facing a choice no woman in any realm should have to make. . .

Available at Amazon here.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Book Tour, Day Seven

The countdown is on - the book tour is nearing its end. Don't you want to know how the first chapter goes? *wink*

Today, my next excerpt is up at

This is Rachel. Doesn't she look like an awesome writer? :)