I was going to talk about how I watch men for inspiration - not so much with their looks, but for the way they carry themselves, their smiles, the body language they exhibit around people they might be attracted to.
Jeremy? Call me. ;)
But instead, I got caught up looking at pictures and videos of Jeremy Renner.
I've had to watch it in small bits and pieces, simply because the truth is so very painful - that with the proliferation of new media, the representation of women and girls has gotten even worse. And it had been bad enough when I was younger.
I railed against a system that refused to teach girls how to resolve conflict or how to call out injustice. In college, I studied history - a male dominated field - where I was told there were no great women historians.
When I was a young girl, I often expressed frustration at the society that judged women on their looks. I distinctly remember my father, a serious advocate for women in the sciences, calling my mother over from making dinner to, "Look at this beautiful PhD!"
Being a literal sort, I assumed Dad meant that this particular diploma had been hand painted with calligraphy and gold leaf illumination; a document that looked like something from the Book of Hours.
Unfortunately, no. It was about the way she looked, not what her dissertation was about, or her research advances.
And I now see that the system has gotten worse.
This is for all those out there who judge a female on her looks alone, who write advertisements, books, movies, and web content that minimize a woman's talents - I'm watching. And I'm going to let you know when you diminish me and other women.