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Thursday, December 27, 2012

2013 New Year's Resolutions!

Starting January 1st, eight other romance bloggers will be posting a nine part, cross blog series of articles on various resolutions for the new year.

Here is our schedule!

THE RESOLUTION TOUR - January 1 - 9, 2013

Maggie Jaimeson - Take a Vacation
Jessa Slade - Get Organized
Paty Jager - Volunteerism
Linda Mercury - Creating a Literary (or Creative) Life
Jenna Bayley-Burke - Eat Healthier
Cassiel Knight - No More Procrastination
Cathryn Cade - Take Time for those OTHER Creative Passions
Su Lute - Reduce Stress: Find and Follow Your Bliss
Jamie Brazil - Shrink My Closet

Each of us will be hosting essays written by the others on each theme. So head's up, everyone. The New Year is coming in with a bang.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Holiday Post

I always wanted to write a profound and meaningful holiday essay, something full of warm wisdom, insight, and cheery wit.

There is only one thing that truly says everything that is wonderful.

"Be excellent to each other."