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Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Important news.

In the meantime, I'll look at lots of pictures of the Topkapi Palace for inspiration.
On the publishing front - the release date for Dracula's Secret has been pushed back (again) to early fall.

I am pleased to say that this is due to the natural growing pains that happen when a publishing house starts a new line. (As you may remember, Dracula's Secret is one of the flagship books for Kensington's brand new e-book line).

So when you ask me when my book will be out, the answer will be, "I don't know, but I will certainly tell you as soon as I find out!"

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The XY File

I was going to talk about how I watch men for inspiration - not so much with their looks, but for the way they carry themselves, their smiles, the body language they exhibit around people they might be attracted to.

Jeremy? Call me. ;)
But instead, I got caught up looking at pictures and videos of Jeremy Renner.

I feel plenty inspired now. ;)

Saturday, December 31, 2011

My author picture

Photo by Michael Baxter
This is the picture that we chose for my author photo! I think it is arty, moody, and makes me look like someone who would write vampire novels.

Monday, July 11, 2011


I have returned from the wilds of the East Coast! I am currently drafting my posts about my visit to New York and the RWA National Conference. But first, a picture to tease:
A black figure libation bowl from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Location, location, location

I've started a brand new book. Tentatively titled Sister of God, the story takes place all over the Northern Hemisphere. The story starts in Seattle, moves to Las Vegas, then to Glastonbury, England, Paris, France, Budapest, Bucharest, and Istanbul.

The next few posts are going to discuss each of these locations and how I'm doing research to make sure I can bring each city to life.

As a teaser, here is an image of Doheny Street Synagogue in Budapest. This is one of the places my intrepid heroine and hero must go to prevent the end of the world.

This is going to be a fun ride!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Out and about.

I'm the sort that needs a lot of intellectual stimulation, or my brain goes crazy with the self-criticism. I finally remembered that in the midst of a crisis of confidence last night. So today, I took the light rail into Portland, along with my journal and camera, and took a day to remember the outside world.
My feet and the poem to former mayor Bud Clark.

Pasta, tea, and writing at the Davis St. Tavern.

Some of the best hot chocolate around! With cardamom whipped cream, even.

Wandering around the Chinese Garden. The sun came out occasionally, too!

These frozen yellow flowers smelled like love -sweet and unending.

Outside the Tao of Tea

I adore this little waterfall.

Next to the waterfall, there's this little mysterious cove. I imagine tiny pirates in there.

Stepping stones.

Fu dogs are joy.

Stopped by Oregon Leather to be amazed at the colors and creativity of leather working.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


These are the pictures that inspired Rachel and Rod:

 Doesn't she look like trouble? I see her as a rebel and daredevil.

And he looks very uptight to me. :) The kind of guy who never misses a chance to do sit ups, fill out paperwork, and dot every lowercase j.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The places I work: part two

Crazily enough, sometimes I like to work at home. Yesterday I worked at my dining room table.

I like being surrounded by the paintings that I've made for the house.

The one on the right is based on a Persian textile detail.
Something about spreading out on the table makes me feel relaxed and homey.
This is a picture I painted that is in the living room, but I can see it from the dining room when I work there.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Topkapi Palace

The Turkish Military keeps armed guards at the Palace.
 The Charming Man and myself spend over five hours at the awe-inspiring Topkapi Palace. To quote Wikipedia,

The Palace was the official and primary residence in the city of the Ottoman Sultans for 400 years of their 624-year reign,[2] from 1465 to 1856.
Here are a few of my favorite photos to give you an idea of how huge, lavish, and jaw-dropping this palace.

This was a quiet day at the Topkapi Palace

The interior of the Library of Ahmed III.

I think every library should look like this!

Again, Wikipedia:
The Imperial Hall (Hünkâr Sofası), also known as the Imperial Sofa, Throne Room Within or Hall of Diversions, is a domed hall in the Harem, believed to have been built in the late 16th century. It has the largest dome in the palace. The hall served as the official reception hall of the sultan as well as for the entertainment of the Harem. Here the sultan received his confidants, guests, his mother, his first wife (Hasseki), consorts, and his children. Entertainments, paying of homage during religious festivals, and wedding ceremonies took place here in the presence of the members of the dynasty
Breathtaking stained glass in the private chambers in the Haram.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


In celebration of 10-10-10, here's a new fan!

This one goes to the first person who can tell me where I saw Rembrant's "The Jewish Bride"!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Travel picture of the day.

Is it Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower?

Not to be vain, but I look pretty good for a woman who had been sick all day!
Some glorious, lovely person took a picture of us.