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Friday, March 12, 2010

Grooving to the baseline.

In my head, I never work hard enough and I never get enough done. I'm sick of it.

For the next two weeks, I am taking aim at my anxiety about 'working enough'. I'm going to overwhelm it with (get this) actual data on my work habits. I'm getting a baseline of behavior.

All I'm doing is keeping a simple log on
  1. What I am doing: Am I in meetings? Updating my blog? Doing promotional work? First draft composition? Brainstorming?
  2. How long I'm doing it: pretty self explanatory there. And
  3. How I feel about the work. Basically, did I think I did ok work, good stuff, or Yowza! level material.

I've been doing it for three days so far, and I am already amazed by my real progress versus my imagined progress. My early prediction for this experiment is that I will find out just how much I downplay how productive I really am.

I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Talking back.

It's time to revamp my website and blog, so tell me what kinds of things you like to see on an author's site.

Writing excerpts? Industry insight? Writing how-tos? Craft? How not to drive yourself crazy as a writer?

I also have a Facebook account now. Find me under Linda Mercury. :)