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Showing posts with label Chinese Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinese Garden. Show all posts

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Yet another trip to the Chinese Garden.

I love going to the Garden of Awakening Orchids in downtown Portland. It is the perfect place to gather my thoughts, look at the dizzying array of plants and buildings, and then drink tea and eat moon cakes at the Tao of Tea, also known as the Tower of Cosmic Reflections.

I like to go there when my brain has been reduced to a blithering ball of mush. I then take quick snapshots on my cell phone to jolt my creative side to see things from a different angle. Last week, I visited the second floor of the tea house for the first time.

*Above left - I really loved my cranberry-orange tea and tarot root moon cake. They were the perfect accompaniments for contemplation on a rainy day.

*Above right - the Garden was putting up decorations for the Chinese New Year.

*Left- It's hard to see, but I really loved this little dragon's, "Oh, hai!" face. It was adorable.

The rest of my pictures turned out fuzzy, but that was ok. I wasn't taking them for any other reason than to re-fill my word well. :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

There really is such a thing as fresh air!

    I've been head down over my keyboard dealing with my Supa Seekret projects, but I had to get out and see the sky yesterday. So I went to the Chinese Garden in Portland and took a bunch of pictures with my iPhone.