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Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 Resolutions: Susan Lute and the Literary life

Resolve 2013: Creating And Nurturing A Creative Life

Susan Lute
Dragon's Thief                                              
When you create a “literary” life you have to have an idea what you think that life looks like. This is true whether you're a writer, singer, or artist. When I first published ten years ago, my idea of the writing life was writing book after book, in my office, making enough money to quit the day job. And I fought hard for that dream, filled my arsenal with every weapon at my disposal. It was awhile before I realized creating a literary life wasn't the hard part. Nurturing it was...through the good times and bad, the rejections, burning the candle at both ends, rearranging writing time to fit with my “other” life, riding the changing marketplace. And while this sounds singularly unpleasant, I have to say, it's been a remarkable journey. Along the way my dream has meta-morphed from a caterpillar to a colorful butterfly.
One of the armaments in my arsenal is a workshop I love to present called “Storyboarding Your Career”. It's fun and tells you more about how to nurture your career than you'd think at first glance. Try this at home. You'll love it.
~ get a large poster board and cut it in two. Save the second half for another day.
~ you'll need scissors, a glue stick, and lots and lots of magazines.
~ don't plan, just cut out pictures that make your pulse pump and make you think … I want THAT in my literary life! And remember all the pictures are not going to have something to do with writing.
~ when you've got all the pictures, words, and numbers you want, begin to paste them onto the poster board in whatever order makes you feel good.
~ when you're all done you'll have a collage of what it will take to nurture your literary...or creative life.
Mine is framed and hanging in my office where I can look at it frequently. I'll bet yours will be beautiful.
Are there things you do to nurture your creative life?
Where you can find me :) Goodreads, My website, Facebook, Twitter and See Jane Publish. Sign up for my newsletter and have a chance to win a gift card to Amazon or BN. And don't forget to support your local authors by becoming a “fan” on Goodreads.

THE RESOLUTION TOUR - January 1 - 9, 2013

Maggie Jaimeson - Take a Vacation
Jessa Slade - Get Organized
Paty Jager - Volunteerism
Linda Mercury - Creating a Literary (or Creative) Life
Jenna Bayley-Burke - Eat Healthier
Cassiel Knight - No More Procrastination
Cathryn Cade - Take Time for those OTHER Creative Passions
Su Lute - Reduce Stress: Find and Follow Your Bliss
Jamie Brazil - Shrink My Closet


  1. Your storyboarding classes are always popular. Standing room only! I just did mine for 2013 a couple days ago.

  2. I've watched you do this from afar and always said: "Not for me. I'm not a visually oriented person." Well, I'm not so sure anymore. I'm going to give it a try next time you offer a class. Or, if a class doesn't come up soon I might just have to tackle it on my own. Shudder.

  3. Susan, you're the one who got me started on collage storyboarding! Like Maggie, I didn't think I'd like it. Instead, I love it! I haven't done one for 2013, but it's on my list.
